Sunday, August 17, 2014

Photo and Story for August 17, 2014

Here is todays Photo 

The summer following yesterdays post on July 28, 1983 that same car had been repaired (although, now days they would have totaled it) and I was on night shift patrol in the downtown area.  Three drunks came out the bar and began a ruckus in the street.  Alone, like an idiot, I attempted to get this under control.  Two left quietly, but the third proceeded to be an issue.  In an attempt to arrest him he ran.  I jumped in my car and followed him down an alley.  He got into his flat bed truck and refused to get out and rammed backward into the side of the car and attempted to push it out of the way and into the creek on the other side.  With that unsuccessful, he got out of the truck and a fight took place.  That not going well, he ran toward my still running car and jumped in through the open window and took off.  Now, on foot I called for assistance.  The drunk, an ex-marine MP, proceeded to the police station and rammed as many cars as he could find.  The station was about 8 to 10 blocks away.  On foot I headed that direction, and saw him coming back to the down town.  He saw me as well and drove onto the sidewalk and attempted to run me over.  By then another officer was giving chase.  The drunk went around the corner and stopped and the officer ended swerving to avoid a rear end collision and ended up in front of the suspect.  Now, the suspect chased the officer ramming his rear end and then spinning the officer out of control where he spun and flew backward into a bank building.  That officer took safety in a dumpster.  The suspect left the area.   The stolen car was found two days later after a man hunt that landed our story on CNN.  

Below is the side of the car where he rammed it.

Below is the front damage of the car where he rammed the other patrol cars.

Below here is some of the damaged vehicle as the station, after he left the down town.

Below is the street he returned down.  He came onto the sidewalk just where the white van is pictured.

I jumped up onto this embankment and behind the monument where I made an attempt to take aim and fire on the suspect.  He drove between the embankment and the street light.  A county deputy investigator is shown here taking additional photos.
The black marks are from the tires as he rounded the corner.

This is what remained of the second officers car after hitting the bank building.


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